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When do you need to call an electrician?

when you need to call an electrician

Most homeowners wonder when they should call a professional electrician. No homeowner should undertake any electrical repair work unless they are a licensed electrician. But you cannot call an electrician to change a light bulb, it is too minor a reason to call an electrician, but you should not try to repair a fuse by yourself. Moreover, it is vital to call a professional electrician if you feel an electrical fault and needs fixing. Thus, it is crucial to decide when you need to call an electrician and do the repairs yourself.

Some of the reasons for calling an electrician are as follows:

  • Flickering and waning of the lights when you switch on an appliance
  • Check if the fuses in your home trip frequently
  • Check for signs of rust
  • Surfaces that should not produce electrical shocks
  • Too many wires hanging out

Flickering and waning of the lights when you switch on an appliance

If you observe that the lights in your home are flickering whenever you switch on an appliance, like your hairdryer or your coffee machine, chances are there is a disruption in the electrical supply. This can be caused due to faulty wiring or issues with the fuses that have been installed. Sometimes, an unusual drop in voltage can also be caused due to a break in the supply of electricity. This can happen from a point external to your home.

However, if this is an issue that occurs only once in a while, you don’t need to call an electrician. But if this happens regularly, you need to call a professional electrician at the earliest and get the entire wiring and electrical supply of your home evaluated. This will make it easier for the electrician to identify the fault and solve the problem before it becomes something more serious.

Check if the fuses in your home trip frequently

The fuses of your home should not trip or blow frequently. This is a clear indication that electrical surges are occurring in your home. Power overload can lead to severe problems, and he must identify the cause for power overload at the earliest. Only qualified and experienced electricians can determine this with ease. Moreover, it would be best if you didn’t try to mend a broken fuse. You must hire a qualified electrician to repair it. To ensure that your home’s electrical supply is uninterrupted and there are no sudden surges of electricity, you should check the fuses regularly and if you see a blown fuse, call the electrician immediately.

Check for signs of rust

Sometimes it is crucial to replace the electrical circuits and switchboards in your home because these get rusted. If you observe layers of rust and signs of corrosion, it is a clear indication that these need to be replaced. However, it would be best if you did not try changing the switchboards or the electrical circuits on your own.

A licensed and qualified electrician should always do it. If these circuit boards show signs of damage and corrosion, then get it evaluated by a qualified electrician and, if necessary, get it changed. This is necessary for the safety and security of your home and family. Many electrical fires start due to old and rusted electrical circuits or switchboards.

Surfaces that should not produce electrical shocks

Sometimes, homeowners mention that surfaces like kitchen countertops or bathroom countertops send electrical shocks when touched. However, such surfaces should not produce an electrical current. Nevertheless, these stay in touch with electrical appliances which often lead to electrical leakages. The kitchen countertops are usually where small electrical appliances like mixer grinders or coffee makers are installed. Similarly, bathrooms also have internal electrical wiring throughout the walls.

Now, if the wiring becomes faulty, then electricity can leak, making the surfaces charged. As a result, you will feel an electrical shock when you touch the surface. If you have felt such electrical shocks, then it is a clear indication that you need to call an electrician. He will assess the cause of the surfaced becoming electrically charged and change the wiring if necessary. If you do not solve the problem, it can even lead to significant accidents. Hence, if you observe that standard surfaces have become electrically charged, then you should call an electrician at the earliest.

Too many wires hanging out

It would help if you did not have loose wires hanging out of sockets in your home. Suppose your home’s wiring has not been done proficiently, and you have too many wires hanging out. In that case, it is a clear indication that you need to hire an electrician to get the entire wiring of your home evaluated. He will not just check the wiring but also ensure that no loose wires are hanging. Electricity is necessary, but it can prove to be hazardous if not handled carefully. So if you see too many plugs being inserted in the external plug points of your home or if you see wires hanging out in your home, then you need to call an electrician. He will assess the situation and let you know the best way to manage your home’s wiring.

Before you call an electrician, you must check why you are giving them a call and ensuring that it is a worthwhile one. However, if you feel confused, you can always call the nearest electrical services providing firm and discuss your executive problem. They can guide you whether the problem is serious enough for you to hire an electrician.

If you live in Edmonton, Beaumont, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, or Leduc, and you feel that you need to hire an experienced electrician, consider giving us a call at Professional Electrical & Controls at 780-476-1413. Our expert electricians will provide you with all the help and support you need. You can also check out our services by visiting our website: professionalelectrical.ca/. Therefore, if you need any help regarding the electrical supply and electricity in your home, give us a call, and our services will exceed your expectations.

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