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Importance of whole house surge protection

Importance of Whole House Surge Protection

Importance of whole house surge protection

What is a power surge?

A surge is a sudden, short-lived wave of current, voltage or power in an electric circuit. Surges are brief power/ over-voltage spikes or disturbances that can damage, degrade, or destroy any equipment / appliances within any home, commercial building, industrial, or manufacturing facility.

Are power surges common?

A lot of residents are not aware but power surge is a very common phenomena and keeps occurring throughout any day. The protection from a power surge is really an important and a wise choice.

How does power surge happen?

There are several sources and reasons of power surges. Some of them can be in your control and some are totally our of your control. A few of them are listed here to give you an idea.

  • From inside of home (Large appliances, etc.) (50% of the times)
  • At the time when companies are doing power-work, like grid maintenance and switches
  • Utility line issues such as over voltage
  • Weather impacts such as lighting
  • Nature impact such as animals, crashes etc, grid closures
  • Human factor out of our control such as accidents in the neighborhood, increased sub-circuit voltages etc.

What can you loose in an electrical surge?

A power surges can be very dangerous. You can;

  • Loose your materialistic property like appliances
  • You can loose your house
  • You can have legal implications if surge originated from your house and affected other proprieties in the neighbourhood
  • Worst scenario, there can be loss of life.

What do you need to protect from surge?

You need to protect whole house from power surge. Only whole house surge protection can do it and help you protect your assets and obligations. There are many factors to consider when preparing and conducting power surge safety work. Some of these are how the house is constructed, voltage around, whether of the state, type and quantity of the appliances used and more factors.

As a simple example, the residents of the provinces that experience storms regularly must have power surge protection in their houses. Otherwise the power surge will possibly damage the sophisticated electronic appliances and equipment, not to mention higher risks.

How can we help?

Our team has training and experience of helping many households in case of power surge. We know what needs to be done in the two stages of power surge protection. The two stages are Protection at Source and Protection at Point of Use.

We will be glad to give you a free assessment of your situation regarding whole house power surge.

Call us today at: 780-476-1413


If something power dependent has stopped working in your house after a power surge, don’t be tempted to open the main control panel / service panel of your house. We help 24/7, so give us a call. Opening service panel without adequate knowledge is dangerous and increases the possibility of exposure and accident drastically.

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