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Light Fixture Installatio in Edmonton

Light Fixture Installation: The Complete Guide to Replacing and Installing

Installing Light Fixtures is a crucial skill for any professional electrician. Light fixtures are installed in many places, from the ceiling of your living room to the top of a staircase railing. Many different types of light fixtures can be used at home or in commercial buildings. These include recessed lights, chandeliers, and pendant lights. Light fixtures typically connect ...

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Some reasons why the bulbs in your home get burnt out frequently

Some reasons why the bulbs in your home get burnt out frequently

Homeowners often complain that the bulbs in their homes get burnt out more frequently than expected. You have just replaced the bulbs in your bedroom. But before the month is out, some of the bulbs have burnt out. You might have observed flickering in some of the bulbs, while some might burn out without any prior indication. Frustrating as ...

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Ask an electrician about the benefits of using energy-efficient light bulbs.

Ask an electrician about the benefits of using energy-efficient light bulbs.

If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, one of the easiest ways would be to reduce energy consumption. You can easily do so by installing energy-efficient light bulbs in your home. If you check your home, you will find that there are at least two to four light bulbs in a room. Given that light bulbs stay switched ...

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Hire professional electricians when renovating your home

Hire professional electricians when renovating your home

If you are looking forward to renovating your old home, then you must be excited about the project. But before you start the renovation process, you must hire a professional electrician’s services and get the entire electrical supply and wiring system of your home evaluated. An old home’s electrical renovation is entirely different from any other type of structural ...

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hiring professional electricians

Benefits of hiring professional electricians

If you plan to undertake electrical repairs in your home, you should always hire professional and licensed electricians to carry out the repairs. You shouldn’t try to do it yourself, even if you feel cost-saving and a minor repair. The primary reason for this is that electrical repairs require expertise and knowledge of several things like wiring, how fuses ...

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6 things to look for in professional electrical services

6 things to look for in professional electrical services

When you hire professional electrical services, you must be assured that you receive the best in class services. Electrical wiring, setting up of electrical devices, repairing your home and office’s internal wiring all require expertise. Expert electricians associated with a reputed electrical service providing firm located in Edmonton, Beaumont, mention that customers need to have confidence in the ...

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Mistakes to avoid while hiring an electrician

Mistakes to avoid while hiring an electrician

Hiring an electrician can be quite simple, but not one that you should do without checking the person’s credentials. The primary reason for this is that your home’s electrical supply system is both indispensable and dangerous if not handled carefully. Hence, when you hire an electrician to evaluate whether your home’s wiring is damaged or not or to check ...

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How to Prevent a Cat or Dog from Chewing Electrical Cords 1

How to Quickly Label a Home Electrical Panel Directory?

Whether you have rented an apartment or you own a home, you must understand the fundamentals of the electric system installed in your home. In case of an emergency, you should know what to do. It is better to know how to turn off the circuit and when to reset the circuit breaker. The electric panel is the main ...

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How to Prevent a Cat or Dog from Chewing Electrical Cords

How to Prevent a Cat or Dog from Chewing Electrical Cords

The danger of your dog chewing on electrical cords

When a dog gnaws on power cords, it can result in serious injuries and even death. According to petMD, here are the signs that your dog was shocked while chewing on wires or cables:

  1. Burns around the mouth or singed fur
  2. Shortness of breath
  3. Rapid heart rate
  4. Muscle tremors
  5. ...
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Top 7 areas to use pot lights in your house and why

Top 7 areas to use pot lights in your house and why?

A pot light is a light fixture that is installed into a hollow opening in a ceiling. When installed it appears to have light shining from a hole in the ceiling, concentrating the light in a downward direction as a broad floodlight or narrow spotlight. “Pot light” or “canister light” implies the hole is circular and the lighting fixture ...

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Need an electrician for your house? Why to get a certified electrician?

Need an electrician for your house? Why to get a certified electrician?

Normally homeowners call electricians in an emergency or during building or renovating homes. 

It is important to research a contractor and find a skilled and certified electrician before you need one. By building a relationship with an electrician, you can be sure he/ she can help you when you need his services. A good electrician contractor will become familiar ...

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Top 5 reasons to use electrical surge protection in your house

Top 5 reasons to use electrical surge protection in your house

What is an electric surge?

Spikes are fast, short-duration electrical transients in voltage (voltage spikes), current (current spikes), or transferred energy (energy spikes) in an electrical circuit. The voltage spike is known as the surge. It is generally known as a surge, or transient is a subcycle overvoltage with a duration of less than a half-cycle of the normal ...

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